Le halle St-Georges sur la rue Bank à Ottawa
rue Bank près de Somerset
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Le halle St-Georges fût démoli dans les années 60.
24 AOU
Glenn Clark
The building was demolished after a fire in the early 1960s. It was a winter fire and I remember it being totally encased in ice. Shocking for a little kid. It had housed a Beamish store at the time of the fire. The replacement building shown was the site of Big Bud's discount store for many years.
24 AOU
Glenn Clark
The building was demolished after a fire in the early 1960s. It was a winter fire and I remember it being totally encased in ice. Shocking for a little kid. It had housed a Beamish store at the time of the fire. The replacement building shown was the site of Big Bud's discount store for many years.
24 AOU
Glenn Clark
The building was demolished after a fire in the early 1960s. It was a winter fire and I remember it being totally encased in ice. Shocking for a little kid. It had housed a Beamish store at the time of the fire. The replacement building shown was the site of Big Bud's discount store for many years.
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